Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Upcoming Events for cycle fanatics

I received an email from J. Elliot about a meeting to discuss cycling in Regina.

Here is the email excerpt:

Dear all,
We are trying again to have a bicycle meeting on June 19th, 7:00 pm at the Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre, Craft Room upstairs. Please pass this on to others that you might think would be interested in looking at bicycle access, systems, problems, etc.

Reminders of events this week:

Downtown Planning Forum, 6-9pm, Knox-Met Church. A big part of the discussion concerns a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly downtown.

Bike Parade, Saturday, June 21st, 2pm at Eat Healthy Foods. The Parade will be police escorted, family friendly, and will end up at the Eco-Fair and National Aboriginal Celebration behind the RSM. Decorate your bike and yourself. Join us!

Sunday ride - 3pm, Vic Park.

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