Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Derailleurs collaboration with the Sask Film Pool - end of August

Hello All,

I met with Felipe from the SaskFilmPool (SFP) to discuss a collaboration between The Derailleurs and the SFP. The plan so far (with more details below!) is for the The Derailleurs to offer some support to SFP for their film screening event that will be taking place at the end of August. This event will be open to both cyclists and drivers (cyclists will be given a small radio to tune into the movie).

See below for more info. I will keep you informed as I get more info. -

1. That the Filmpool would screen "Rural Routes" as programmed by T. Martin, and that we would pay screening fees
2. That the Filmpool would provide equipment and technical staff (equipment means projector, playback, screen, scaffold, and FM Transmitter).
3. That the Filmpool would work with The Derailleurs to create and distribute advertising for this project. This includes paying for posters and cards if needed and the design thereof. The Derailleurs would access their media networks and add their name to the project. They would also provide volunteer support for the project, disseminating all materials.
4. That The Derailleurs would provide volunteer support at the event.
5. That The Derailleurs would assist in the application to SPMC and the CRTC for the parking lot and the FM transmission license.
6. That the concession stand would run by both orgs, and they would share costs and share profits.
7. That we would be happy to work in unison with each other on other projects and look forward to extending our collaboration further.

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