Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the last month of the summer...

Events to look forward to!

1. Better bicycling brainstorming meeting, 14 August, 7-8:30pm, Knox-Met Church on Vic Ave.
2. Critical Mass, 29 August, 5:30pm, meet in Vic Park at the cenotaph
3. Bike-In Film Screening, 29 August, 7:30pm, Central Park

And rides every Sunday at 3pm!

Friday, July 25, 2008

CRITICAL MASS: A huge success

Critical Mass today was a success! 50+ riders came out to the event, and we given the opportunity to speak on live radio (CBC) about the event before it happened!
All the riders were able to listen, as there was someone there with
a speaker and another riders with a portable radio! It was a great chance for everyone to congratulate themselves on their advocacy efforts and their contribution to a community - the cycling community!

We hope the August Critical Mass (29th, 5:30pm, same time and place) will garner such rave reviews as well.

Most riders commented the route needed to be longer, so we are taking suggestions and we will create a new route. It is easier to have a route that has more right turns, since crossing the intersection when turning left really blocks cars and there is more of a chance that they group will get split a part as well.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

things are coming together for the Bike-In Film Screening!

Just a little update...from a place of excitement!

I am really looking forward to the bike-in film screening. The SaskFilm Pool Program Coordinator has been passing drafts of the posters & promo packages my way and they look awesome. We are slated to start releasing them...today!

Postering will begin the week of August 18th (or sooner, but they usually just get ripped down anyways). If you are able to help out with our postering duties, leave a message. We will probably just do some of it during a Sunday ride. The Film Pool can lend us staplers and tape. We'll be ready to go!

AND>>>> Western Cycle is going to be on hand to offer free, basic tune-ups and maintenance tips for cyclists! Be there at 7:30pm. The show starts at 8pm, Aug. 29th, in Central Park.

I think this event is going to be a smash hit and hopefully will be held every summer!

Don't forget about Critical Mass tomorrow, 5:30pm, Vic Park. First 10 people get a free "ONE LESS CAR!" sticker (you have to have a bike with you of course!)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Voice your woes...

There isn't a lot to update on.

But I have decided to submit a letter to the editor of the Leader Post, in the hope that some driver's will pay more respect to law-abiding cyclists on the roads just trying to get from point A to point B without dying in this city!
My friends and I were yelled at on the weekend, and I hate to admit to yelling back, but I did. I decided that from now on I wouldn't respond, but that in response to this incident I would write a letter instead. I have found this summer to be extremely bad for driver's yelling at cyclists, and it makes me wonder if it is because there are more on the road or if there is some other underlying reason?

Here is my letter...
I'm not even sure it will get published, since there were apparently 82 others waiting in the hopper. They did say that the short ones get published before longer ones, so that is a plus for me!

Dear drivers of Regina,

Why must responsible, law-abiding cyclists who have chosen to cycle for reasons of health, environmental responsibility or enjoyment have to contend with dangerous drivers who honk and yell at us?I cycle on a frequent basis. I signal. I follow the rules of the road and even wear a helmet. Why am I told that I should "get off the road!" when there is a city bylaw that states that we aren't allowed on the sidewalks? The anger towards cyclists seems to stem, in my opinion, from the entrenched car culture of this city. If gas prices continue to rise, soon you will joining me on the roads. Will we be comrades then?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Update of Summer Cycling (related) Events!

I really can not believe we are closing in on the end of July. There really has not been enough cycling events so far...yes, I know I am a fanatic.

But don't despair - here are some events that are coming up, and they may be more added as the weeks pass by!

1. critical mass, 25 july, 5:30pm, leaving vic

2. better bicycling brainstorming meeting, 14 august, 7:30pm, knox-met church

3. critical mass, 25 August, 5:30pm, leaving vic park (my last critical mass in regina!!!)

4. Bike-In Film Screening, 29 August, Central Park, 8pm (hosted by sask flim pool, bring a radio, bring your bike!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

bike-in film screening

Bike-In Film Screening (SaskFilm Pool in cooperation with us, The Derailleurs!):

from the facebook event created by the SaskFilm Pool:

Every year the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative presents a drive-in theatre night. Usually, we take over a downtown parking lot, to demonstrate that downtown life is not all crime.

This year, we are one-upping ourselves. In collaboration with the Deraileurs (a bicycle advocacy group) we are hosting a bike-in screening. Bring your bikes and fm radios to Central Park (23 block Hamilton) on August 29 and enjoy an evening of green film.

This year the Filmpool will be presenting Go Organic, a package of clever short films that explore contemporary farming practices. This package includes such films as "the Meatrix" and "Frankensteer."

Be sure to come and enjoy. Remember bring a bike, a blanket, and an fm radio and enjoy films under the stars...

Details are here:

Friday, August 29, 2008
8:00pm - 11:00pm
23 block


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

a friend reminded me of this great quote:

"Everytime I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer dispair for the future of the human race"
H.G. Wells

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

more events...

Better Bicycling Brainstorming Meeting
14 August 2008
Know-Met Church on Victoria Ave.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Critical Mass

Critical Mass
July 25th, 5:30pm
leaving Victoria Park
All are welcome, spread the word.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

cool bike racks

A big part of the discussion tonight at the meeting was about bicycle racks - design, quality, security, and their artistic value.

See below for some inspiring ideas!

PARK(ing) Day 2008 event

I forgot to post about this..sorry for the late notice. But for those of you who are cycling advocates/activists and/or artists, you may be interested in this...

in/stall update:
We are pleased to announce that Lane Level Projects has received full funding for /in/stall. This ensures that our one day event can go forward exactly as planned, including the payment of artist fees to all those selected to participate. The call for submissions has been extended to July 15th. Many thanks to those who have already submitted projects. We will respond to all proposals by the end of July.

Themes: Intervention/ Urbanism/ Public Spaces and Private Spaces/ Parking & Automobile Related Activities

Lane Level Projects is seeking artists to create installation and/or performance works for parking spaces, to be exhibited in a one day art event in Regina, SK on September 6th, 2008.

/in/stall will be a one-day exhibition and performance event in urban Regina parking spaces on one block in the city core. Visual and performance artists are invited to propose site-specific installations and/or performances in response to urban parking spaces; each work will be contained in one parking space.

Lane Level Projects is a Regina based artists' collective with a mandate to introduce the work of local contemporary installation, multimedia and performance artists into private and public venues.
Following the back lane delights of the 2007 Garage Show, /in/stall is Lane Level Project's second exhibition.

Proposals / Submissions should include:
- brief bio.
- one page project description which outlines the underlying ideas, processes involved, and material result of the proposed work or action, including timeline and workplan.
- technical requirements for the successful completion of your project.

Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2008

please respond by email to:

Also see: http://www.parkingday.org/


The Better Biking Brainstorming Meeting had an excellent turn out tonight! There were approximately 25 enthusiastic cyclists who attended, with lots of great ideas, criticisms and spirit!

Our next meeting is slated for Thursday, August 14th, 7pm, location TBA. Check back here on the Derailleurs facebook page for more information.

I may post a synopsis of our meeting minutes on here as well, or at least an overview of the larger issues discussed at the meetings.

And because I know a few newbies to The Derailleurs are going to be looking at this blog in the coming weeks...here is some information about our cycling group.

The Derailleurs have four main goals (in no particular order):

1. To have fun! - This includes but is not limited to ringing bells, singing Muppet songs, putting hockey cards in our spokes, wearing faux biker outfits and waving at our neighbours as we pass by.

2. To stay fit - The number of Canadians who are overweight or obese has increased dramatically over the last 25 years. Basically, there's also no denying that our level of physical activity has greatly decreased. Stay fit and have fun with cycling friends!

3. To reclaim our streets - A recent article in the Leader-Post reports that nearly three-quarters of Regina residents are afraid to set foot in some of the city's less-fortunate neighbourhoods.
We refuse to recognize the racial and economic lines that divide our city. As a group we will ride through every part of Regina to show that we are not afraid of our neighbours.

4. To promote sustainable living - According to the CBC, G8 leaders recently pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by the year 2050. Waiting 40 years to solve an immediate environmental crisis is completely illogical and betrays our government's indifference to the problem.

5. To promote safe cycling: We try our best to follow the rules of the road to promote respect between cyclists and driver's.

Join the Derailleurs:
The Derailleurs don't care how old you are, where you live or how you look. If you have a bicycle and would like to join us then you're more than welcome.

Simple rules we like to follow:
1. signaling at intersections, stop signs etc. to alert driver's where we are going.
2. stopping at intersections and stop signs
3. If there is a 2 lane road we take up 1 lane to ourselves, it is a 1 lane road we go single-file to allow vehicles to pass us by unobstructed.
4. Ring your bells!
5. Stopping for ice cream

We ride every Sunday at 3pm. Meet in Victoria Park in front of the Cenotaph. Rides usually last anywhere from 40 minutes to 1 hour depending on the wishes of the members and the pace is fairly casual.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Transportation...the balance

from: http://www.number27.org/work/maps/transportation.jpg

Better Bicycling Brainstorming meeting

Thursday, July 3rd, 7pm at the Knox-Met Church on Victoria Ave.

All welcome!
Come and discuss issues, problems and areas of improvement for cycling in Regina.