Thursday, July 17, 2008

Update of Summer Cycling (related) Events!

I really can not believe we are closing in on the end of July. There really has not been enough cycling events so far...yes, I know I am a fanatic.

But don't despair - here are some events that are coming up, and they may be more added as the weeks pass by!

1. critical mass, 25 july, 5:30pm, leaving vic

2. better bicycling brainstorming meeting, 14 august, 7:30pm, knox-met church

3. critical mass, 25 August, 5:30pm, leaving vic park (my last critical mass in regina!!!)

4. Bike-In Film Screening, 29 August, Central Park, 8pm (hosted by sask flim pool, bring a radio, bring your bike!)

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