Saturday, August 30, 2008

CM & Film Night

Just a quick apology to those of you who didn't receive the message that the time for Critical Mass had been changed yesterday from 5:30 to 5pm. Because we were juggling 2 events in one evening, we had to push the time back. I unfortunately, did not cover all bases in alerting everyone to the time change and we had people who missed the ride. I take full responsibility for this and hope that you will be able to make it out to the next ride. apologies. I hope everyone who came out to the film screening enjoyed it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am very disappointed with how these Critical Mass events have gone. Changing the start time so close to an event may not be the best idea.
I hope who ever takes over, will take the position seriously.

I too have gone to the Sunday rides only to discover no one there.

very disappointing.